Happy August the first.! A holiday here in Canada clouded in mystery; here in British Columbia; they call it
BC Day, but other parts of the country add their own
twists and turns to it. Officially it is a
Civic Holiday, but its roots go back to
Emancipation Day. I am now totally confused as much as you probably are by now, I think, I need a
Too many talking heads, warping the meanings of holidays. And speaking of talking heads;
Over three nights at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood in December 1983, Jonathan Demme filmed Talking Heads' - Stop making sense.
Found a Job (
Live at Entermedia Theatre, 1978) (
Not in the show, but released with the album; originally in the album; "
more songs about buildings and food")
Flippy Floppy (from the "
Talking in tongues" album) (
Not in the show, but included in the album)
Crosseyed and Painless (
Live in Rome 1980, version) (
Not in the show, but included in the album)
Jewelweed; Impatiens capensis; is a local introduced invasive plant.
But I found out that it is also useful as a bug repellent, and helps to greatly reduce the skin irritation from Poison Ivy; which thankfully, is extremely rare here in B.C.
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